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Why Music is Good for the Mind and Heart

The curriuclum at Koti Academy is an arts-infused approach, so your children have many opportunities to sing, dance, create art and participate in dramatic play.

Why are music and art so important to the learning process?

  1. Music builds fundamental auditory and rhythmic understanding and increases spatial temporal reasoning (Schiller, 1999).

  2. When children make visual art, they develop fine motor skills, hand-eye discrimination (Koster, 2005), visual discrimination (Morrow, 2007) and foundational math skills (Roberts & Harpley, 2007).

  3. Art increases a child’s problem-solving skills (Douglas, 2001).

  4. Dramatic play supports the development of long-term memory and increases mental capacities for recall (Liebermann, 1995).

  5. Children use props in dramatic play and dance which supports abstract and symbolic thinking skills (Miller & Gaskins, 2009)

  6. Dance helps children develop coordination, balance, sequencing, and spatial awareness skills (Rupnow, 2000).

  7. Fundamental dance techniques help children develop coordination, balance, sequencing, and spatial awareness skills (Rupnow, 2000).

  8. Art, music and dance invite children to develop social and emotional skills by symbolically representing their feelings, thoughts and imaginations(Seefeldt & Galper, 2008; Gaskins & Miller, 2009).

children all learn in different ways. By using an arts-I fused model at Koti Academy, we invite children to express their knowledge and curiosity in a way that connects to their unique learning style.

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